jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

Be Mine (English Translation) 17

This chapter has me excited... I don´t want ro ruin the surprise, but here´s where things really start to go down to hell.
I dedicate this chapter to Twin68babyA who takes the time to review every time. A big hug from Chile!
Thank you all for reading and commenting.
All my Love.

Halfway to The Reservation, the engine of my truck started to fail and make strange noises, until it finally came to a complete stop.
I took my cell phone out of my pocket to call Paul so he would pick me up on his car, but at that moment the door of the cabin of my truck opened up and I saw Edward, glorious and inhuman standing beside me.
-“Hello love ... problems with the truck”?

Capítulo 17
I’ve heard you wake up cryin’ from the evils lyin’ under our bed
You say there’s no use tryin’ to protect you from the danger and dread
Though this world is made of fearsome beasts that bark and bite
We were born to put these creatures through one hell of a fight
May we feast upon the flesh of any fever that befalls you tonight.
Danger and Dread / Brown Bird

Paul POV
Since Bella told me that the bloody bloodsuckers had returned, I have not had a single moment of peace; I am torn between the anger and the desire to destroy everything in my path, and the utter despair of imagining what my life would be like if Bella decides that she wants to return to the Cullens...
But she would never do that, right? She promised... And I trust her.
It's the miserable ginger haired, slack-wearing, motherfucking leech, I don´t trust.
I have made love to my princess intensely, desperately, trying to merge with her skin, trying to leave my mark on her body inside and out, and she accepted me gladly, knowing that it is what I needed to have an ounce of peace.
After making love, Bella curled into a ball beside me and fell asleep.
I hugged her tightly and let the despair consume me, and quietly let the tears I didn´t dared to spill in front of her escape. I didn´t sobbed, of course, I didn´t want to wake her up... But I wetted my pillow and part of her long hair.
That night I didn´t sleep at all.
The next day Bella insisted that I go to work as usual, and although I didn´t want to do it, I knew  she was right. On one hand we needed the money and the sense of normalcy, and on the other, within The Reservation limits, she wouldn´t run into any danger.
My working day was monotonous, basically the installation of internal partition walls in commercial premises, something not very complicated and that left me enough time to think...
I know it's too early to make plans for marriage and a family, but... Is it really early when you have the certainty that the woman next to you is the only woman for you, for all eternity?
The wolf knows what he wants, he knows what we need, and what we need is to possess Bella in every one of the laws and in every other possible way. In the short term, I need that she make her at least my fiancée... It´s not enough that she´s my girlfriend, that is a too casual title for the relationship that unites us.
When it was time for lunch, I went to sit with Sam and Jared, and when I opened my lunchbox (yes, Bella bought me a lunchbox that is the envy of everyone else who carries their food in sad paper bags). I found a thermos with hot soup, a couple of sandwiches of meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, carrot and bacon, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 apples and a huge piece of lemon pie for dessert... And also, a note that said "Have a Good day, wolf. I love you until the moon and back, Bella. "
It was at that moment that I realized that I couldn´t wait to ask her to be my wife.
In a normal relationship this would be precipitate, but in an imprint? In an imprint our ancestors were getting married the same day they imprinted!
I worked the rest of the afternoon in an excellent mood, surprising all my coworkers, including Sam.
After work I went to the Port Angeles shopping center, and searched among the different jewelries for something that would satisfy me... But I found nothing; all the rings that I saw were the typical diamond and gold rings... Nothing original and unique, as my princess deserved.

When I was leaving I decided to go to eat something, and I choose a Subway that was in the way to my car before returning home. I ate a foot long meatball sandwich, a couple of bags of chips and a big coke.
While I was walking back to my car, I saw out of the corner of my eye a native store that I never noticed before. In the window where displayed different objects from skins to crafts, carvings, old books, etc.
I decided to go in for a look.
The girl in charge was of indigenous descent, but I didn´t knew her... Possibly belonged to another tribe, or wasn´t a hundred percent Native American. Her skin was dark and her hair was long, smooth and shiny. She was kind of pretty, although nothing compared to my princess.
-“Hello!” - She enthusiastically greeted me – “How can I help you?”
-“I´m looking for a ring... An engagement ring...” - I said, very  seriously. I didn´t need the girl to waste both our time flirting  with me... That was old Paul. The new Paul is a respectable man... He is a committed man.
-“Mmmmmm... I have some rings, but they are not the traditional engagement rings” – She answered.
-“Let's see them” - I told her – “If I wanted a traditional engagement ring I would have bought it in the Mall”.
-“Okay” - She said, heading to the back of the store, where she opened the safe and pulled out a velvet tray – “These are the rings I have. They are sculpted gold rings made by a local artist...” -  She said displaying a set of rings that showed scenes of miniature animals in the wilderness. One in particular captured my attention: A pair of wolves. She was resting in a clearing in the forest and he was howling at the moon... A moon represented by a solitary diamond... It was fucking perfect!
-“I want this!” - I told the girl, sure I had found the ideal ring.
-“Perfect, on what size?” - She asked.
-“Size?” - I asked... that detail hadn´t occurred to me... – “Can I see your hands?” - I asked the girl.
-“O... K...” -She said looking at me hesitantly and extending her hands.
-“Ok” - I said choosing her little finger of the right hand – “That size!”
-“Well” - She said batting her eyelashes while taking of the ring – “If it doesn´t look good or it doesn´t fit, you can come back and change it, or we can order one in the size you need” - She offered.
-“Perfect! How much is it?” – I asked anxiously.
-“$1,500 dollars, but for being a native I can give you a 10% discount... it would be $1,350”.
-“Ok” – “I said happily, extending my credit card. This purchase made a big dent in my savings but it was definitely worth it. The ring is just perfect!”
Once I had paid I went to the parking lot and an hour later I was entering The Reservation. When I got home I was struck by the fact that all the lights were off. Maybe Bella was visiting Emily's house?
I went into the house and went to the kitchen looking for a note. And indeed, in the refrigerator I found a note saying that Bella had gone to Charlie's house to try to make peace with him. I sighed satisfied, because at least I had a plan, and went to take a shower. I wanted to be clean so I could make love to my princess and get dirty all over again.
When I left, I went to watch TV in the living room and I received a text message from Bella saying that she was on her way. I sent her a message back saying “I wait for you, I miss you, you have to compensate me for the hours lost. ;-) XOXO Paul” and anxiously, I sat down to wait.

Bella POV
-“Edward!” -I exclaimed - “You almost give me a heart attack! What are you doing here?” -I asked.
-“Is not obvious?” - He said with that self-sufficient smile that at some point I found irresistible but that now seemed simply annoying.
-“Not for me. We have nothing to talk about...” - I answered, honestly.
-“Bella” - He said moving his head from one side to the other – “We have everything to talk about...”
-“What do you mean?” – I asked, trying to buy time in the hopes of someone of The Pack would smell him – “I need to get home soon, Paul is waiting for me...”
-“Isabella, please! You cannot be seriously in love with a dog!” - He exclaimed.
-“Oh! But was it very normal to be in love with a dead person?” - I asked distilling sarcasm – “At least the "dog" loves me and he would never leave me to die in the forest. He would never do what you did to me”.
-“Bella love, I'm so sorry! It was a error of judgment, I thought you would be safer without me, I never imagined that you would get lost in the forest!” - He exclaimed.
-“Oh no? And if you didn´t imagine that I would get lost, then why you wrote a note to Charlie saying that I had gone to the forest with you? Wasn´t to rescue me in case I got lost like the idiot I was back then?”
-“Bella love you do not understand... Everything I did was because I love you more than anything... I never thought you would seek consolation in the first monsters that you find out there...”
-“How dare you, you… CONDESCENTENT BASTARD!” - I shouted getting out of my truck and slamming the door – “Paul and The Pack are the best thing that ever happened to me. You wanted me to have a normal and happy life as a human? Well, that's what I have. Paul and I are going to get married, we will grow old together and someday we will die together... And I hope with all my heart that I never have to meet with a fucking vampire in the years that I have to live!”
-“Isabella, language!” - He corrected me in astonishment when he heard me, but then softening his tone he said to me – “I think you are suffering the effects of anger and spite, but that is going to pass... A love like ours doesn´t end like that... In the time that we were separated I have also learned certain things, and the main thing is that I cannot fight ours anymore. I'm ready to change you, love!”
-“What?” - I asked while walking down the road towards The Reservation, praying once again that one of the wolves that was on patrol in the vicinity would come to my rescue.
-“So we can be together forever love... we're going to get married and I'll change you immediately to begin our eternity with the rest of the family”.
-“Edward no!” - I exclaimed without elaborating. Change me? And what happens if I'm pregnant? The son of a bitch is going to kill my puppy!
-“Bella love, think about it, this is what you wanted so badly just a few months ago... And now it can be a reality...”
-“I'm a teenager, we change our opinion, it's my prerogative!” - I exclaimed just for saying something while my brain tried to start working again. Edward was crazy if he thought I would go back to him voluntarily.
-“Love, you've never behaved like a teenager! I know you're hurt, but think about it... We can be so happy!” – I think he was trying to glamour me or something, with his voice so near my ear, but it didn´t work.
-“Edward you are delirious... How many times do I have to repeat it? I'm not going with you! I love Paul and he is my destiny. You abandoned me, and you lost your chance and killed the love I felt for you. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!” - I shouted.
-“Bella, love, that's not possible” - He said, taking me firmly by the arm and stopping me in my tracks – “You´ll come with me”.
-“I WILL NOT!” - I yelled trying to get out of his grip, but it was impossible. For the first time in my life I saw Edward without his mask of humanity and I was terrified. I was at the mercy of the vampire.
-“Isabella, stop resisting” –He said turning me until I was in front of him, my chest brushing his.
-“Edward let me go! Please... I don´t love you anymore...” - I begged, forgetting all my pride.
-“I love you Isabella” - He said taking my chin between her fingers to make me look at him. His golden eyes shone brightly, and while he murmured words of love I felt that my objections died on my lips before I could express them... He was dazzling me and my will was no longer mine. My legs were loosened and he took me in his arms – “You are more beautiful than ever love, I am so sorry for having lost these months. If you... I love you so much...” -He repeated again and again, and I, breathing his intoxicating breath was losing more and more of my mind, until he put his mouth over mine and kissed me.
It was like kissing a piece of glass, smooth, cold, hard... Radically different from the passionate and ardent kisses of my wolf...
But at that moment my defenses were too low, and I´m ashamed to admit that I couldn´t resist.
It was a chaste kiss, with his mouth closed, his lips and mine moving in choreographed synchrony... A kiss just like every other one that Edward gave me before leaving...
But he grunted and moaned with pleasure as if he was about to cum... Agh! Perv!
When he finished kissing me I looked at him confused, even in the middle of my trance I knew something was wrong, but I didn´t know how to signal exactly what.
-“I love you Isabella, more than anything in the world, for all eternity... Would you do me the enormous honor of becoming my wife?” - He said, falling on his knee and putting a hand on his pocket as if he was about to produce a ring.
-“I... Mmmmmmh... No?” -I said without really knowing why I refused.
Edward looked furious again, and the last thing I remember is a prick on my thigh and then... nothing.
Pictures of the ring can be found on mi Facebook page or my blog.
Did you like it? I definitely want one!

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